Geumchon-dong Oceanarome - Near Geumchon Station - 0504-3179-4405
Hello! Greetings from Paju Geumchon-dong [Oceanoma]!
Korea/China always impressed with the best touch
Stress that only builds up a day as the best managers
It can be blown away, so if you need our healing,
Please find ~!! Thank you^^

From 11:00 to 05:00 (365 days year-round)
Telephone OFF City Business Card or Temporary Holiday
Healing course
A course
60 minutes
20% 100,000 won
80,000 won
B course
80 minutes
15% 130,000 won
110,000 won
C course
90 minutes
13% 150,000 won
130,000 won