ENERGY THERAPIES are also known as Vibrational Medicine. The energies of your body are assessed, and then balanced to create harmony and peace. When you are imbalanced you feel off, agitated, irritated, lack focus, clarity or direction. You feel sluggish, heavy and unproductive. When your energies are cleared and balanced you feel lighter, organized, peaceful and harmonious. You are happier, and more productive, eager to get on with your day. In a CHAKRA BALANCING treatment the 13 Chakras (East Indian word for energy wheels of the body) are assessed, cleared, and balanced. You lay on the table, I do the work. You feel cleared and blessed when we're finished (1 hr +). CALL Erika (519) 886-4045 (Landline, do not text) International Healing Arts Centre Waterloo, ON A variety of Holistic Health Services are available.