Convergence Reiki + Massage Practitioner

Convergence Reiki + Massage Practitioner


Convergence Reiki is very new , therefore, misunderstood for old reiki or r.m.t in which it is not to clarify this service is in a league of its own. Convergence Reiki + is a hands on energy massage distribution with sensory, different techniques to awaken our senses, to be aware in the present moment here and now . It’s a healing and a connectedness with heart, mind , spirit and body awareness. Through the session much energy flows through one chakra to another to regulate all internal functions of our body such as boosting the immune system, regulating our emotions, and allow us to connect to our elevated consciousness which is our higher self. There is no other service like it as it’s very caring, beautiful and one just needs to experience it to understand. I start with a guided breathing exercise to help you feel relaxed , then we embark upon our journey of bliss, and end with a white sage smudge which is powerful at no extra cost . In my pictures I have included my professional Convergence Reiki + practitioner certification for proof of training and also my home license from the city of Edmonton. The room is very inviting with mirrors, fireplace, lighting, music and incense if you like . Location is in a upper scale area and safe. My fees are just 80 a hour and please book for a appointment at 780-263-1588 with Brenda If you want to fly give up everything that weighs you down Namaste
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