Hawaii health spa, #7-3110 kingston rd. Scarborough  M1M1P2, Tel: 4162618088

Hawaii health spa, #7-3110 kingston rd. Scarborough M1M1P2, Tel: 4162618088

Hawaii health spa
#7, 3110 kingston rd.Scarborough, m1m 1p2
☎️ :4162618088
Host: Eva and linda

No subject

I put advertisements looking for a new girl work here, Michelle came to have a interview, she is a tall slim girl, pretty and fashionable,she used to be a air hostess...
This is the cup of my tea🍵!
She is a new to massage field, very shy.
one of customers call curious how her pussy look like? shaved or hairy? she shew me that she wear 3 underwears! I surprised:" why? Don't you feel hot?
She said:" protect myself "
Me:" you are a sexal worker , you wear 3 underwears?!"
She removed one underwear after my surprise 😮.

She has limited services, so we do 4 hands together, she want to learn. While we were working, she was very horney, she were moaning loudly, she told me in Chinese:" linda, you stop blowing him, I want to fuck him, oh my God , i cum already ,my two underwears are wet"
Me:" really? How?"
She said:" I saw vedioes about how men's cock look like, but this real one is so pretty, big ,hard, I love it so much,. make me very hot, my two underwears are wet now,
I was doing blow job, she was massaging customer's head looking how I work and got wet, I was shoked!
When we finished customer, she changed her 2 wet underwears, fortunately she removed one underwear, otherwise...
Right after we finished this customer, another customer was waiting to do 4 hands massage too, I asked her:" you already cum, you wet your underwears , do you still want to do more services?"
She said :"yes, that is just a warm up, the real thing haven't come yet, " she made a funny face at me, what a lovely girl !
We went another room do 4 hands massage, she required me to avoid when she does services , I respect her privacy.
We did basically massage together then I went out, Michelle stay with customer alone , after about 15 to 20 minutes , she came out with smiling face showing she was very satisfied, which i don't understand!
to me this is just a kind of job, i don't involve that much, she told me:" I divorced, i am young and I live alone, I have my physical needs "
I totally understand!
The second week , she came back, she told me that she learned from me how to take care of customer better, customers tip her more when she works in other spa.
Sure people are all made of flesh and blood, If you are good to them, they can feel it and will be good to you in return.
Michelle not only likes do services ( she asks tips and room fee total 200) , but she also has her own special skills, she learn how to take care of dragon tenders from Tailand. She work here every THURSDAY, today will be her third time that she work here, I like her a lot.

Thank you very much for caring and supporting our business, your happyness and healthiness are our priority goal.
Today my service queen Eva works today, wellcome to our spa get a good massage.
Tel: 4162618088
Linda lovely
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