A VARIETY OF HOLISTIC SERVICES FOR YOUR BODY, MIND & SOUL. Treatments in Private Himalayan Salt Room. * RELAXATION MASSAGE (Full Body, yes you wear underwear & are draped) * AROMATHERAPY MASSAGE (massage with scented essential oils) * HOT STONE or HIMALAYAN SALT STONE MASSAGE (mineralize your body) * REFLEXOLOGY (foot massage) * REIKI (energy healing) * CHAKRA BALANCING (energy healing) * PAST LIFE REGRESSION (travel the world, find out who you were in a past life) * LIFE COACHING (help with life's issues) * HYPNOSIS (for fears, phobias, relationships, ...) * etc CALL Erika (519) 886-4045 (Landline) Please CALL TO BOOK YOUR APPOINTMENT (Not Text). Leave Message. Mon. to Sat. 10 - 6 pm International Healing Arts Center www.erikamarquardt.com JUST OPENED - Waterloo Location.