We invite you to come meet our friendly sexy mature ladies....
If you are looking for sexy and sensual Relaxing Body 2 Body Rub
you found the right place. No Rushed , No Attitude just relax with us.
We are Open ....Sunday , Monday and Tuesday ...... 10:00am ------- 1:00 am
Wednesday, Thursday , Friday and Saturday .......10:00am ------ 3:00am
Please call (905-457-2602)
Please Visit us at 5 McMurchy N and Queen St W, Down town Brampton.
Every day different ladies...
If you are looking for sexy and sensual Relaxing Body 2 Body Rub
you found the right place. No Rushed , No Attitude just relax with us.
We are Open ....Sunday , Monday and Tuesday ...... 10:00am ------- 1:00 am
Wednesday, Thursday , Friday and Saturday .......10:00am ------ 3:00am
Please call (905-457-2602)
Please Visit us at 5 McMurchy N and Queen St W, Down town Brampton.
Every day different ladies...