Nourishing Massage and Touch

Nourishing Massage and Touch


This invitation is to work with two practitioners for your in-person sessions. Touch Practitioners like us work with and through the body, into the soma, to notice, support, tend and acknowledge what is coming up in the body. We’ve helped clients discover pleasure in their bodies again, find safety in intimacy and unearth healing they didn’t know was possible. It is profound work that is offered in a trauma informed space within a safe-enough container.

Sessions are individual to each person and client directed. The direction of touch is one directional, from us to the client, and you direct and control the manner of touch at all times. This body work allows you the opportunity to let go of any expectations you have with your body. It’s about getting out of the mind and dropping deeper into the body. Connecting you to your inner heart space and ultimate truth. Sessions are typically 2+ hours long; as they are slow and relaxing. We need time to chat and connect prior to bodywork and time to savor and reflect afterwards.

With these sessions you will be able to better understand the language of your body, feel empowered in using your voice and actively choose your pleasure through clear communication. You will be able to create healthy boundaries from love and embodiment.
First release
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