Can someone tell me what ts, ts+ etc etc means so I know whom to pick for a he, thank you
W varied levels of service, Bellagio wanted 2b a bit more specific re: what every girl did…
TS in training = a newbie who doesn’t know how 2use the TS yet
TS & no plus = table shower

trained only, no service guarantee @ all incl no HE
TS+ = HE & over the clothes touching

TS++ = HE & nudity … usually topless but a few gals have kep top on & doffed panties instead
TS+++ = HE & full nudity
… obv that’s not whole story… some gals offer a bit more…
LFK = light French Kissing

DFK = Deep French Kissing

LTP = Lick The Pussy = DATY

LDS = Leg Dick Slide = dick btwn things, slide back & forth

BS = body slide
PS = pussy slide

IF = Italian finish

RF = Russian finish

On todays roster:
Shallon = TS only = she knows how 2 use table shower but legit only, no xxxtras
Lola = TS+++ GFE GFV DFK IF LTP = a service queen

… gets totally nude & offers ever semilegit service xxxcept RF (bcuz tits 2 small

but TBH she’ll try if u ash)
Victoria = TS ++ = table shower plus topless … u might get a bit more if u click, & quite a bit less if u r not connecting
Wind = TS = table shower & legit msg only … TBH some reports she does sometimes a bit more

, unlike Shallon… u might get a happy surprise… sometimes u just have 2 ask
Cecelia = TS+++ = table shower plus gets totally naked … YMMV, depends how well u

connect ofc