
  1. B


    Any frequent this place? Looking for info on who to see besides the owner. They list of bunch of girls, but do details anywhere i guess due to license.
  2. R

    RT in downtown - Absolute Relaxation Health Center?

    Hey guys, Im heading up in a few weeks for work. I'm primarily looking for a RT place in Toronto. I'll be coming for work later this week, so looking for recommendations. I’m a bit intrigued by Absolute Relaxation Health Center (733 Bloor), but I don’t see any recent reviews. Is is still as...
  3. A

    Tina @ ARHC

    I can't find any reviews..... anybody ?
  4. M

    Shout out to Crystal B and 733a ARHC spa

    Just gotta throw out a big thanks to the ladies of Crystal B's ARHC spa at 733a. Putting together a nice group and always seem to be customer focused no matter who is there. 40/60/80 for the room. A little public on the entry as it is in clear view of Christie station, but later at night when...
  5. L

    Vanessa @ ARHC

    Went to ARHC today - no appointment. Got up and was immediately escorted to a room by Tina Was told to wait there for a few minutes as there might of been a scheduling conflict. Anyway, waited around in the room for 5 minutes while she was talking with either 1-2 other mps. I poked my head...
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