
  1. grape_islove420

    Does mileage vary on u?

    Does how u look really impact the quality of massage u get from the girl? I see so many mixed reviews and I wonder if it does? One would think that since ur paying for just a service, a facade, that ur just a number and ur guy number 1844 of the month etc. But does being better looking and...
  2. D

  3. T

    Weird Request but I want all your Ugly Fat Granny recommendations

    The title is probably freaking you out, and I 100% mean it. I am a new member (lurker for a bit but new poster), and If you saw my previous post you'll know that I am currently prepping for a bodybuilding show. As a part of this, I am currently on trenbolone (steroid) and one of the side effects...
  4. D

    is kamala harris UGLY

  5. D

    YOUR MAMA is so fat, ugly, cheap, poor etc JOKES.

    Yo mama so lazy she has a remote control to operate her remote control!
  6. D

    Do u like FUCKING horny ugly ladies ???

    Is it okay To fuck ugly ladies ???? The sex is good for u ???
  7. D

    IF MY buddy is ugly nerdy looking, but butt clean and has a good job(WILL A MASSAGE LADY REJECT HIM or make up an excuse or lie being busy?????????)

    Just wondering, how do you know when a massage lady will not take MY firend if he is not the best looking guy around. He is not ugly. Just looks like ODD OR WEIRD OR super NERDY. Will massage ladies reject or lie that she is busy if SHE doesn't like HIS looks? MY BUDDY LOOKS LIKE THE ACTOR...
  8. E

    It's funny how fat ugly white trash blames China for corona virus yet frequents asian MPs

    Honestly, if you are ignorant enough to blame corona virus on all Chinese MPAs, then you should stop visiting them, you pathetic ugly fat white pigs. But you can't stop because your own white bitches love sucking black cocks over your tiny little vanilla pasta dicks, so you have to pay to get...
  9. M

    Ugly, fat, awful, rude GIRLS offer the worst massage

    Description Hello, We are joking! We are sexy, beautiful, fit, gorgeous, friendly, smiled and with sense of humor! We are sure you won’t be disappointed! We offer professional full body massages and ALL naughty EXTRAS! RELAXING MASSAGE: 90mins £85; 60mins £50; 30mins £35 AROMATHERAPY/DEEP...
  10. OG_funguy

    Single life...the good, the bad, the ugly

    Recently I wrote about my temporary single life adventures in the thread below: Yesterday I had another nice evening of dinner, massage and dancing. Today I will have my fave over, probably for the last time in a long while...
  11. D

    Ugly, fat, awful, rude GIRLS offer the worst massage

    Description Hello, We are joking! We are sexy, beautiful, fit, gorgeous, friendly, smiled and with sense of humor! We are sure you won’t be disappointed! We offer professional full body massages and ALL naughty EXTRAS! RELAXING MASSAGE: 90mins £85; 60mins £50; 30mins £35 AROMATHERAPY/DEEP...
  12. T

    Pretty Women Spa - Dundas St. East, Mississauga

    First of all, the spa definitely has the wrong name, if you catch my drift... Stayed anyway. Shouldn't have. Two girls - one a 6.5, the other a 3.5. Chose the 6.5. She offered me my choices as soon as she came in the room. Decided on a blowie for $120 on top of the $50 room fee (I know...
  13. T

    Ugly ass spics are the worst kind

    These ugly ass monkey spics can't speak english, come into Canada and work lowly jobs like maids and lawnmowers. They are rude and loud and like to speak their monkey language that sounds like burrrittooo, puto, anything with a "o". Lol, get the fuck out of Canada, spics and go back to mehico eh?
  14. IronHeart

    Man all these kendo and judo guys are ugly losers...

    Ran into these guys at my local community centre...ugly assholes in ridiculous outfit...they probably think practicing martial art is gonna get them pussy...what a fucking joke.
  15. MPfun

    Blue Lagoon - The Good, Bad and Ugly

    Who’s been ? What’s the Good, Bad and Ugly on this place? The website looks promising. Very nice attendants and spa. Is this accurate?
  16. TheKWguy

    Bianca @ Barbiehouse ugly korean

    Here's what the description is: Both soft and sweet nature, Bianca is the one whom you will never forget. With her coherent communication and good manner, she is the one whom you would always love to be with. She has all natural optimum body stats that will drive you crazy for her and craving...
  17. L

    No UGLY Women here!

    No UGLY Women here! :devil: Never TRUST Women :devil: :D :P :D
  18. H

    You think fat is ugly?

  19. K

    The ugly frog

    An old lady was somewhat lonely and decided she needed a pet to keep her company. So, off to the pet shop she went. She searched and searched. None of the pets seemed to catch her interest, except this ugly frog. As she walked by the jar he was in, she looked and he winked at her. He whispered...