
  1. 6ixGod

    Tag team

    Has anyone ever tag teamed an attendant? Always wondered how open they would be to it.
  2. S

    WWE is fake - Funny video compilation

    YouTube - TNA is Fake!!! Proof!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EQ2EAK4G394
  3. H

    WWE is no fake !!

    HUH !!
  4. T

    Which WWE Diva would be your TTOFT

    http://images.google.ca/images?hl=en&client=firefox-a&channel=s&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&hs=Rga&q=wwe+diva+pics&um=1&ie=UTF-8&ei=OTUwS538HIrWtgPXmKTBBA&sa=X&oi=image_result_group&ct=title&resnum=1&ved=0CBsQsAQwAA If the WWE Diva's were SP's. Which one would be your first choice for...
  5. T

    im watching wwe and its in calgary and a oilers suck chant started?

    gotta love hockey fans go to a wrestling show and chant about hockey anyways hockey questions 1. Who do you think is gonna win the Vezina trophy this upcoming season 2. how many points do you think Jagr will have this season
  6. S

    Is this Cena-Punk fued introducing a different style of WWE booking.?

    The line between Face and Heel Is becoming very blurred. CM Punk The heel is talking about giving the people what they want. John Cena The face is saying he could care less if the fans hate him. Some Heels have been getting bigger pops lately. Sheamus (even before the face turn) R-Truth...
  7. S

    Who is the man that introduces the WWE superstars as they make their way down...

    ...to the ring? Who is the man that introduces the WWE superstars as they walk down the titantron? He does the whole "Making their way to the ring, from...." Is it Josh Matthews?
  8. C

    Has anyone heard of any news about the WWE introducing a new style of the...

    ...Championship Belt? Like we all know they need a new belt for tonight, but is it going to be the gay little spinner still? I am really interested in WWE's product right now. They are starting to freshen up their storylines and making them work. Who would be interested in them bringing back...
  9. B

    I m gonna watch WWE Live at my hometown Calgary (AB) Canada for the first time.?

    I just wanna know that if there is something like if i wanna take pics with wwe stars ? is this something they provide for the fans or it is paid or free means i bought the ticket now dnt know abt this thing any one with details reply me pls......
  10. Mike

    Will WWE introduce a new Title belt on Raw?

    I hope so, the Cena era is just about done for good. Time to let others shine.
  11. Mike

    Will WWE introduce a new Title belt on Raw?

    I hope so, the Cena era is just about done for good. Time to let others shine.
  12. T

    Could Punk introduce a new wwe title?

    Rumor was going around the net months back that the WWE was thinking about getting a new WWE Title. Personally Im tired, and I know a lot of fans are, of Cena designed spinner belt. With his announcement that we will be "leaving" WWE after MITB (even though his contract supposedly isn't up...
  13. J

    is there no more wwe chat?

    if so why not?
  14. B

    If WWE introduce a new match called 'Double Death Match' what would the rules be

    and who would feature in it? The most creative answer will receive an iphone 4 this sunday.
  15. R

    why isnt the wwe s.draft showing up on my live chat ?

    i live in donegal ireland if that helps
  16. R

    How come WWE announcers say this "bout" is set for one fall, then introduce the

    superstars? They always used to say "This MATCH is set for one fall" what does bout even mean?
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