!!!! About closing the forum to new members !!!!
muddy said:
I've been on this board for a long time (eforum.xxx before than, canbest before that), and it has changed. There are less reviews, less of a community, more commercial posts. Kam is trying to revitalize the board and I'm glad of that. I don't know the best way to do it, so I trust you Kam and am willing to go along with the experiment. I'm not sure closing the board to new members is a magic solution, but I'm happy to see us try that.
Sponsors: sometimes it's fun to interact with them and their CS posts provide useful information. But I really like the idea on voting for them, so we can eliminate some of the annoying ones. Limiting their posts to the CS sections might help too. Maybe members could be allowed to ask direct questions in the CS sections, so we can have some kind of back and forth, but keep sponsors out of the review sections?
A posing requirement would be good. However you want to do it. Yes, eliminate anyone who has never posted, and give new members 30 days to contribute. Require everyone to do one review a month, something like that, before their accounts go dormant and they lose lurker privileges.
New members can inject new life into the board. Us old farts start running out of things to say at some point.
Muddy is right. We used to have such a glamorous board with valuable reviews and substance. Now all I can see is quantity over quality.
This will end soon. No more freebies, no more lurking and no more BS. As most of you know Money has never been an issue in MM.
We will choose the salons who are really giving a great service and promote them here. The salons that appreciate us will get the most of our business.
On the other hand the salons that take us for a ride will be exposed and will be black listed on the main page.
Also it goes for the clients who are the black face of our hobby. Them also will be black listed and banned for good.
Now what are the benefits of closing the board to only our members? Well I have gathered a huge resources of data, images and movies in the past 15 years.
Some of these info has never been shown to anyone, which will be on our showroom for certain members whom post sufficient enough.
I will choose the first 20 members of our brand new group called "Elite" . There you will find videos, Pictures and info that I kept secret from all.
Also there are lots of masseuses willing to share their info and their private pix and videos to a certain private group " Elite"
Furthermore After closing the board to new members, joining MM will be challenge for those who really want to be a part of MM.
They have to email me their first review and thereafter they are obliged to have 1 review every three months for a total of 4 reviews per year.
If there are newbies they better go to other boards, which we will post their address on our first page so they can find it easily.
There are lots of details on implementing all these which currently I am working on.
Kam out