Listen, fake Nigger.
I was in love with Daniella. But, she gave me attitude and so I moved on.
Before she left the industry, she made up a story about me threatening her through PM and then, supposedly, she went to the Police Station. Of course, it was all fake, and Daniella even texted me during the drama and tried to get a back-and-forth going between us, but I knew she was trouble, so I just ignored her.
But make no mistake about it, if she wasn't bat-shit crazy, I would have loved to be her boyfriend. She was fucking super hot. Best looking SP I ever saw in the industry. Best tits by far. And I loved her Portugese look. Super girl next door sexy!
As I said though, you can't deal with crazy women, so no point in even trying. It did give me a good laugh though when she made up the threats, police station visit etc. That girl was pure entertainment. And you Manginas bought the entire story she served you. I knew it was a lie. She knew it was a lie. But, she knew that all the Manginas on this board would believe her, so she put the story into the news cycle so-to-speak, for all her readers to react to.