I went to for the first time around feb and went for the 40 min massage. It was alot of fun as the girl was actually kind of cool and was easy to conversate it with and it wasnt so awkward. She didnt even start with a massage just went right at me when she walked in. I later went for fs when she brought up extras, but it felt like the time went by so fast lol. My drive back home i was smiling most of the time so i guess i had alot of fun. Im planning going again soon and not sure yet if i want to explore more of the roster or repeat. Do you guys think 1 hour or the jacuzzi (is it clean?) worth it? Also do you guys ever bring your own stuff like bottles to drink while inside, she did insist to want to take shots next time but im not sure if thats a good idea or not.
Please share some other attendants that may be just as fun, my only fear is spending for a session where the vibe is just not it and is awkward
Please share some other attendants that may be just as fun, my only fear is spending for a session where the vibe is just not it and is awkward