At the end of the day there are two factors one is connivence and the other is money. If the attendant lives in the Westend then Seduction locations are more convent to get to then Pure especially with the construction on Eglinton. The second is money Seduction has always been willing to promise signing bonuses to the girls though management did stiff a couple of girls on the promised bonuses. Tiana has never really believed in signing bonuses as there is nothing that stops the girl from jumping to another spa once they receive the bonus so it rare that Premier will offer it to attract a girl. Premier‘s big selling point to attract attendants is its steady client base. The thing is COVID really changed the relationship between SPAs and attendents as the SPAs downloaded a lot of costs to the girls for example the girls are responsible for the soap/body wash and mouthwash for clients, they are responsible for their own photos displayed on the website and they are also responsible for marketing themselves through social media as such girls are less loyal to the SPAs if they have their own client base.
[/QUOT Thanks for the info . I had an appointment with her this Sunday . I guess I have to see her at Seduction.