i think that home study courses have got better the course i saw was aromatherapy these are the subjects, human anatomy, psychology, massage, history of aromatherapy,3o different oils, carrier oils,first aid, nervous system, manipulation, yin and yan meridians, table of therapeutic oils, blending procedures, uses and contra-indications of oils , how to present yourself as a professional therapist.
then you have an advanced course. after you have pass you get a diploma.
i am not saying all home study courses are great as you do need to look around , however i think it is unfair of the ones who had to do the courses for years say that this is wrong way to go as i have done many a course where its been hands on long test papers and bad teachers.
not everyone should do home courses, and i would say that if its the first course on the beauty side of things that they should do a hands on but i strongly want to put across that there is good and bad in both pratical and home courses.
if i did not think i felt right doing the treatment on a client then i would not even do it.
at the end of the day you will learn what you want to learn be it a home your pratical course or long or short course.
love dye