saw that ad too. the Tantra massage people are pricey, you're paying for all the expensive education they took to call themselves pros at it. and what they would prefer is their packages of multi-hour sessions where you can really benefit from the practice - and get all spiritual and one with yourself etc. and it makes sense that good tantra is built on taking time. but they always have an hour package for the majority who are likely calling, who are interested in a different kind of massage, but really the same end game. and i am guessing they don't get a lot of takers on the multi hour cash grabs.
i will say that an old work friend dated a Tantra practitioner and says she definitely helped his premature problem. relationship didn't last when he finally figured out she was rubbing other dudes.
the no touching thing sucks though. why bother? if you want to try a Tantra massage find Gaia, she advertises semi-regularly. Hers is more interactive, or at least not prohibitive.
not sure why you wonder about safe to visit though, or legit.