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So I went into qq for the first time lever the other day. I’ve been going to massage parlours since the 90s and this was the first time I e ever been ushered into a room then had 10 plus cuties follow me in and form a line. I was overwhelmed had no idea who to pick. So I looked around and smiled at them all the first one to smile back I picked. The session proceeded I had a shower then was instructed in broken English to lay on my back and she proceeded to tease the shit out of me and then have a mind blowing bbbj I had to stop her twice cause I was going to cum and I wasn’t ready to yet still wanted to fuck her. On went the dome I had to roll it up cause she couldn’t get it past the head what is it with the tiny fucken domes some of these places have. Any way pounded her in a couple positions and voila. Unfortunately didn’t get her name but I will definitely go back there