No, everyone should avoid Seduction because:
1. Seduction enables and suports modern day slavery. There is no place for pimping in our society. Even more despicable is how these nig pimps use cocaine to control their girls. Its wrong and the police need to get involved.
2. There is HIV floating around Seduction as confirmed by a regular poster. With all the bareback going on at Seduction dont be surprised if you die of HIV.
3. Seduction girls charge the highest rates. It would be justified if the the girls were actually stellar looking and provided great service. But aside from the top girls, 90% of the girls are either ugly, fat or unattractive. There are so many better options out there. And keep in mind that alot of this excess money goes right into the pimps pockets.
4. Everyone should avoid Seduction to send a message to the Seduction shills, employees, ownership and pimps to stop putting up fake reviews and to stop manipulating everyone on here to pay the highest rates possible. Put all of them on ignore and drown them out.
Like i said, if we as a community put out feet down and stop spending our $ at Seduction, changes will come. Changes are already happening. Why? Because we are speaking out about it.