I agree that not all sessions are meant to be, but the difference revolver is that you've shared a wide range of experiences.
To me this smells of "I didn't get what I want so I'm gonna get back at Serena online."
Otherwise what's pancho's motive ?? Most of his posts are ASKING for information, so he really doesn't give back to the community.
Why does he care about us NOW ?
If I sound aggressive about this point it's because I've heard some disturbing things over the last month.
For instance, the guy who refused to take a shower, smelled bad, and turned around on massageplanet.net claiming a certain girl was restrictive ! No f*cking wonder...
Some clients honestly believe their sessions are in a vaccuum, and that they're 100 % anonymous.
In reality Serena's dance card is full with repeat business, and she probably only sees 1 or 2 new clients a shift.
My guess is that she knows EXACTLY who Pancho is !