Annoying! i did a post and didnt click post.I would just like to add a few bits so that it helps the full picture if i may,Celia dope itself does not contain nicotine but it is usually mixed with tobacco from tailor made cigarettes thats what contains the nicotine.Lots of things are addictive some to the detriment of mind and health, my son happens to smoke cigarettes and uses weed,but the reason i asked if there where any essential oils that may help,was to create a feeling of calm,as it is usual to be up one min then angry,so he just goes round in circles,he has some good ideas about what he is going to do but cant implement them because he is now hiding behind weed,whereas before he was using it with friends for a good time.!!
He has just been kicked out of an 8 year relationship and is staying with me..did he listen to his partner? no..otherwise they would still be together.he has 2 lovely children who i have at weekends,,so that there is consistency in there lives, so he sees them then. he has a full time job a new one ,which obviously must keep,but he must stop the weed, i have told him that he doesnt need it or the alcohol, he has to learn to face this cold and straight, otherwise he will never manage his life.i have also told him that he can do it and it wont last forever,,having said that,,its easier to say than do,but i did, i am on my 3rd marriage,yes it hurts but he will get over it and all i can do is keep telling him and keep an eye on him and nag him when he gets too close to the rails.I will do all i can to get him straight but ultimatley(sp) it has to come from him wanting to get straight,this ive told him and i will keep on telling him.I gave him some rescue remedy to take daily and then we will look at another for him, after he has read the sheets,he is going to see the dr in a couple of weeks thats the soonest app,but talking to frank will have to come from him.any way thank you for your comments ,if you have any sugestions that you think i could try as i have to do my best to help him, as it goes hand in hand really,,if im not worrying about him my life will be easier too. take care xxxx