Sabrina at the little ole love shack called oriental spa. little sasa on the side. (excpet for pos xtc) - sabrina and her 10 am sundays were pretty bomb.. little sasa coming in and out at la la the la la spa - I dfont know, private girls room at spa, messages delivered. her little sundays over at sweet spa with the double bed, mirror, she takes a shower because she was walking barefoot through out the spa and wants to make sure her feet are clean before, much love for that..
Homie... seriously, you make some posts about what ya do and let your carma take all the cred..... - because she felt because she wants to be clean for the visit.
who the fuck did you see last week bruh?
I understand luburger, holistic spas can be scary. But once you dive in, your experience at kspa might change your stinking thinking.
I don't know, you tell me. When was your last BBFS experience?
do you visit holistic spas? Its not like you have any recent experience over at little tulip spa on Kennedy do you?