U can count on ‘spa magic’. That girls work at a spa, some legit service only girls & some girls do xxxtras, make allotta $$$… nxt thing u no, legit gals doin’ xxxtras!
Yet… some girls

nvr do anything xxtra, take pride in quality of their

msg despite meagre tips… Jennifer, Nat, a few others like that…
Mostly tho… many gradually offer more & more services… all on their own… certainly Rica

& Daisy fall into that group… it always surprises me when a guy walks into the spa, sees Rica or Daisy, & walks out… I find them both 2b so cute & young & irresistible… & servicewise, the guywho stays is gonna b very pleased w Rica
Sami! Looks like she’s feeling the competition! Spa magic

… shes offering same services as Rica today… damn!

But… still no DFK after her name….

I wonder how long that lasts!
…. 2 which we add brand new girl Faye, no xxxtras @ all, just learning the biz, pretty young pure msg

girl… altho one reviewer thinks xxxtra service = there if u play yer cards right…
And ofc Sunday = Cecelia day…. Usually her regs come 2c her all day today… very hard 2c as a walkin so I dont think I should say 2 much, but if somehow she’s available when u arrive, giver a try & mebbe u can join her legion of addicted fans