asian granny

Just for Laughs Gags Asia (Chinese: 好笑王) is a silent comedy/hidden camera television series based on the popular Canadian version of the show Just for Laughs Gags. The first episode of Just for Laughs Gags Asia was aired on Mediacorp Channel 5 on January 12, 2010 at 9.00 pm (+8 GMT). Mediacorp TV has entered into an exclusive agreement with Just for Laughs to co-produce and distribute Just for Laughs Gags for the Asian market.
The show contained 13 episodes that were filmed in Singapore.
Mediacorp Channel 8 aired the Chinese version of the show from May 7, 2010 at 8.00 pm. There are no dubbings as the show had no dialogue.
Disney Channel Asia also aired the show in March 12, 2012.
G4 (Canada) also aired the show in April 4, 2014.

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