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The Best is the first Japanese compilation album by South Korean girl group Girls' Generation. It was released on July 23, 2014, in Japan through EMI Records Japan. The album was released in three different editions, regular and two limited, with the latter containing a DVD or Blu-ray, an extra CD and a photobook. The album originally contains all of the group's previous Japanese singles, while including a previously-unreleased Japanese version of "Mr.Mr." and an original track, titled "Indestructible".A new edition titled The Best (New Edition) was released on October 15, 2014. The album was released in two editions, standard and a CD+DVD, with the latter containing five new songs, two previously-released Japanese versions and three new songs, "Chain Reaction", "Show Girls" and the single "Divine". Upon its release, The Best attained commercial success for the girl group, becoming their third, and to date, final chart-topper on the Oricon Albums Chart.

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