blonde asian

The blonde versus brunette rivalry is a rivalry—whether real, imagined, or fictional—between women with blonde hair and those with brown (brunette) hair. In popular culture and everyday conversation, the words blonde and brunette are sometimes used as nouns to refer to women by these two hair colors. This supposed rivalry is a common fictional theme in books, magazine articles, film, and television. The spectacle of blonde and brunette women engaged in physical fights with each other has been a male fantasy for many years.Studies conducted in the Western world have found that dark-haired women are generally considered more attractive than blond women. In East Asia, blond women are ranked firmly below black-haired East Asian women in the female beauty hierarchy, and blond women report feeling de-sexualized and masculinized by East Asian beauty standards. In one study, 92% of blond women thought their hair color was the ideal; yet only 32% of heterosexual men considered blond women the ideal.

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