
  1. B

    Romantic things to do with my girlfriend in a chat room?

    My girlfriend just left out of the state for a few months and now we have to just chat online for a while. What romantic things can we do in a chat room? Or what can two people do in a chat room that is REALLY fun :D
  2. P

    Girlfriend always wants me to fetch things for her and give her massages?

    She asks for massages more than any other girlfriend i've had, by a LOT, and whenever she kind find something she asks me to get it for her, even when she doesnt know where it is. She asks this of me all the time. If I say I dont want to, she gets mad at me and makes me feel like an asshole...
  3. K

    Advice on introducing father's new girlfriend to baby?

    He cheated on me with her when I was 5 months pregnant, so we broke up. I moved 5000km away to have my baby. Now, I am flying out there to stay for two weeks so he can meet his baby for the first time and bond. He texted me today asking if his girlfriend can meet our baby. It's what he wants...
  4. U

    Scared of introducing girlfriend to flatmates?

    So I've been seeing this girl for just over a month now- but we've only been official or around 2 weeks. We're getting on great and we have a really good laugh together. However I'm really scared of introducing her to my flatmates. The reason is that the last two girls that I brought back...
  5. S

    When should I introduce my girlfriend to my parents?

    My girlfriend and I have been together for almost a week. I know sooner or later I will have to meet her friends and family. So when is a good time to introduce her to my parents? Also when is a good time to introduce her to my friends? My friends know about her alrEady but when should I bring...
  6. D

    My girlfriend chats online with random guys from all over the world. Is this

    inapropriate behaviour? My girlfriend accepts many friend requests on Facebook from random guys all over the world and chats with them, sometimes on Skype video chat. I trust that she would never cheat on me, but is this kind of behaviour inappropriate if two people are in a committed...
  7. L

    Girlfriend 5.0 (another oldie but goodie)

    Desperately seeking technical support! I'm currently running the latest version of GirlReviewiend 5.0 and having some problems. I've been running the same version of DrinkingBuddies 1.0 for years as my primary application, and all the GirlReviewiend releases have always conflicted with it. I...
  8. E

    Boat vs Whiney Girlfriend RG
  9. A

    Don't upgrade from Girlfriend 5.0 to Wife 1.0

    "Dear Tech Support Team: Last year I upgraded from Girlfriend 5.0 to Wife 1.0. big_smile.png I soon noticed that the new program began unexpected child-processes that took up a lot of space and valuable resources. In addition, Wife 1.0 installed itself into all other programs and now...
  10. V


    After directory assistance gave Rosy, her boyfriend's new telephone number, she dialed him -- and got a woman. "Is Adam there?" Rosy asked. "He's in the shower," she responded. "Please tell him his girlfriend called," Rosy said and hung up. When he didn't return the call, Rosy dialed...
  11. A

    New Girlfriend

    A young gay man calls home and tells his Jewish mother that he has decided to go back into the closet because he has met a wonderful girl and they are going to be married. He tells his mother that he is sure she will be happier since he knows that his gay lifestyle has been very disturbing to...
  12. M

    How can a girlfriend!

    Lol, it's saying that she has slept with his brother and that his ****/penis is bigger than his. simpler: She slept with his brother, but he has a big ****/penis.
  13. S

    I asked my girlfriend for a prostate massage?

    and she said all she thinks about is guys getting raped in prison every time she thinks about doing it .. how can I get her more comfortable with the idea? -----add----- She loves when I rim her or what have ya ... and I'd already do anything in the bedroom .. so .. that's not much to put on...
  14. M

    What's the best way to introduce my wife to my secret girlfriend? how long before

    the three sums start? oooooooh, easy troll bait here ;)
  15. P

    why does my girlfriend whom I am chatting with in london get knocked of the...

    ...internet and lose connection? at random times when i am chatting on yahoo messenger with my girlfriend in london, england she gets booted of the internet and we lose connection (message says signed off). this is very annoying and is there any way to avoid this? it seems to happen a lot.
  16. J

    Single father: How do I introduce my new girlfriend to my 5 yrs old daughter?

    Hi, I have been separated for 3 years and have a 5 yrs old daughter. I am falling in love with a woman I met. I never introduced a woman to my daughter because had no girlfriend before. so.. how do I do it in a way that will help my daughter accept my new girlfriend? My daughter is very close...
  17. D

    i have a girlfriend that i am in love with but she is enamored with internet

    chat forums drives me nuts? We live apart from each other 250 miles approximately and she is putting personal information on the web where she is and where she is going and i am very concerned about her safety. What should i do? Facebook, Meet up, and many other various public websites. I think...
  18. M

    Girlfriend "chat cheat"?

    Hi all, I would really appreciate any help with this problem. Me and my girlfriend are together for 7 months now. We live together, everything is really good. Best I ever had so far :) But, this morning I sow her facebook account. I took opportunity to check her messages. Yes, disgusting...
  19. J

    Should I introduce my girlfriend to my 3 year old?

    I'm 19 years old and a single father to a 3 year old daughter (her mother isn't around anymore). For the past 7 months, I've been in a relationship with a girl I really like and care for. As the relationship seems to be going well, I'm wondering if now is a right time to introduce her to my...
  20. T

    Is it worthy to keep on chatting with your x girlfriend or not?

    She has just said it's over because she has proved that we are different after being with her in relationship for one year. So could help me please if it is good to continue being friends.