
  1. E

    Google Search in 1960!

  2. E

    Man caught picking his nose on Google earth Street view!

    181 west san carlos st. - Google Maps :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
  3. C

    Google 2080 !!!

    I Think this has been posted before , anyways ... :lol: :lol: :lol:
  4. J

    Google takes part in Man vs Woman battle

    The allmighty Google has solved the age old query - "Who is more intelligent: Man or Woman?" Assume that those who have the most inventions to their name will win. Just type "She Invented" in google and be prepared for the truth :D
  5. Y

    Google 20 years hence.....

  6. bethwood082

    Google guitar?

    Anyone playing with their guitar strings :neutral: I found it cool.
  7. P

    post your stupid google search results here....

    I've noticed lately that google is more whacked than normal. I mean with all the technology they have, wtf is up with the search results? Some of my biggest beefs are: 1) Search within Canada and you get a shitload of results from BRITAIN wtf, Canada is NOT britain 2) Just now I searched...
  8. S

    Google Earth video animation of earthquake sequence around Japan

    An impersonal, yet nonetheless chilling look at what happened:
  9. W

    Google search game

    You post a word or short two word phrase. The next person googles it and find an image you like for that word..then you post it and a new word. It should be a lot of fun here since it won't have to be censored pics!! first word..... NUTCASE
  10. Alex S

    google map action in shenzhen

    FYI The satellite map and the street map aren't synced properly on (Off by about 300 meters). However, is correct.
  11. R

    google ads vs facebook ads

    I am considering doing either a google adwords ad or a facebook ad. Has anyone used either and can let me know how their results went? How much was your budget? What were you paying for each click? I need to do some advertising for my new office but I have limited funds so I would like to...
  12. Pompal 09.

    Growing Your Practice with Google Places

    One of the blogs that I sometimes read is The Practitioners Journey. I would recommend subscribing as it is always interesting. This blog post about google places was very good...
  13. B

    Google Voice

    Tell me more about Google Voice... Here's what I know so far:
  14. C

    Google AdWords?

    I've been using Adwords for some time now, maybe a year and a half, and for the most part, I've been very happy with it. It can still be confusing at times, especially when I set my max at say, $40/month and then one month I get charged $68! I recently signed up for the budget analyzer that...
  15. A

    Google check out and CC processing NEW?

    I just used google checkout on a site to buy a desk because it gave me and extra $10 off. It looks neat and they give you a lot of credit towards your sales if you use adwords. Have any of you heard of the new google checkout? If so, what do you think of it...
  16. S

    Google tests cars that can steer without drivers

    WASHINGTON — Google Inc. is road-testing cars that steer, stop and start without a human driver, the company says.The goal is to "help prevent traffic accidents, free up people's time and reduce carbon emissions" through ride sharing and "the new 'highway trains of tomorrow,'" project leader...
  17. E

    Google Ad Words

    Has anyone used Google AdWords? What is your opinion of it? A friend suggested I try it. However, living in a resort area I think it could become a costly form of advertising if I understood her correctly. Thanks for any input.
  18. Pompal 09.

    Google Malware Warning on Eccie

    (Oops, I made a mistake post it in this forum. Mod, please move it to the appropriate forum. Thanks.) Google issued the following warning and I wonder if anyone else see it...
  19. Pompal 09.

    Why did they fuck about with Google images?

    The old one was perfectly serviceable and easy to use. IDIOTS!
  20. D

    Woman who walked onto highway sues Google Maps

    Interesting article, but I think that the woman should have known that it was unsafe to walk on the highway, despite the instructions received from google map. What do you think?
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