
  1. R

    why are there huge moving smileys and saying and foods and animals on facebook...

    ...and facebook chat?!!!? they are huge and move and whenever i write omg, idk, that's epic, and other stuff, it makes it big and glittery and it's annoying and takes up lotsa space. also, at the bottom of my convos on facebook chat, it has choices for me to put animals, foods, saying, or...
  2. L

    Got a massage, ended up with a huge rash?!?

    The day after I got a massage, I developed a rash over nearly my entire back. It's been like 3 weeks, and it's still there! My doctor hasn't been able to take me. What do I do?
  3. D

    How do I get rid of huge images on YIM video chat?

    So I want to use the yahoos video chat function but it never works right, the person who I'm talking to is blown up huge after a few seconds, while my image remains normal size. this doesn't with skype, or AIM, or anything me please.
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