japanese av model

In Japan, Adult Videos (Japanese: アダルトビデオ, Hepburn: Adaruto Bideo) (AV) are a genre of pornographic movies distinguishable from pink films on the one hand, and 'V-cinema' or original video Original Videos (オリジナル・ビデオ, Orijinaru Bideo) (OV) on the other. Adult videos are focused on sex, and may not in some cases have a storyline. They are released initially on video, and pass inspection by an adult video ethics committee such as Nihon Ethics of Video Association (映像倫理機構, Eizō Rinri Kikō) (NEVA), which enforces the placement of video-masking mosaics over pubic hair or genitalia. Pink films may be concerned with sex, but tend to focus more on story, and they are rated by Eirin (映画倫理管理委員会, Eiga Rinri Kanri Iinkai), rather than an adult video ethics organization. The mainstream studio Nikkatsu focused on pink films through its Roman Porno line from 1971 through 1988. V-cinema or OV also tend to focus on a story, but sex if present is less central, and they are released on video to be displayed in video stores or rental shops alongside mainstream movies. Many V-cinema works are produced by video-focused subsidiaries of the big film studios, e.g. SHV Cinema for Shochiku. OV can be rated by the Eirin or Eizourin depending on the content.
This is a chronological history of the AV (adult video) industry in Japan. The main events relevant to the AV industry are discussed for each year, as well as notable debuts. Names are given in Western order (i.e., family name second), and alphabetized by family name.

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