
  1. D

    If you were a massage therapist, would you teach it to your kids, as...

    ...youngsters, so they could massage you? Seriously, my neck is killing me this morning. I think I'm gonna get my daughter to try.
  2. D

    If you were a massage therapist, would you teach it to your kids, as

    youngsters, so they could massage you? Seriously, my neck is killing me this morning. I think I'm gonna get my daughter to try.
  3. M

    why did he introduce me to his kids and then break up with me ?

    My bf and I were dating for a few months,we live about an hour away from each other and he has 2 kids from a previous marriage and him and his ex agreed not to have any new partners meeting them until the relationship was sort of serious (fair enough) so I met them about 2 weeks ago and since...
  4. Z

    How come most gay people are liberal? I want to introduce my kids to a diverse group

    of people but I can not? allow liberals to be around to infect the mind of my children? How can I solve this dilemma? *sigh* it would appear only the first answerer gets the joke... rub it in des rub it in.---- :)
  5. Y

    Kids And Computers

    Sometimes we have trouble with our computers. I had a problem yesterday, so I called Eric, the 11 year old who lives next door, whose bedroom looks like Mission Control. He came over. Eric clicked a couple of buttons and solved the problem. As he was walking away, I called mpter...
  6. T

    2 kids in an hospital....

    Two little kids are in a hospital, lying on stretchers next to each other outside the operating room...the first surgeries of the day. The first kid leans over and asks, 'What are you in here for?' The second kid says, 'I'm in here to get my tonsils out and I'm a little nervous.' The...
  7. L

    Their three kids

    A couple were celebrating 50 years together. Their three kids, all very successful, agreed to a Sunday dinner in their Honor. "Happy Anniversary Mom and Dad," gushed son number one .... 'Sorry I'm running late. I had an emergency at the hospital with a patient, you know how it is, and I didn't...
  8. R

    ahhh kids!!

    A four year old and a seven year old talked in their room about how they are grown up now. "It about time we better start cussing" said seven year old Johnny. Four year old Andrew nodded aimlessesly not really knowing what cuss words meant. The seven year old continued, "When we go downstairs...
  9. E

    Kids of today...

    Boy and girl of class 2 asked teacher: “Can kids of our age have kids?” Teacher : "NO Never!!” Boy said to girl : "See, i told you not to worry."
  10. A


    It's more fun to color outside the lines. If you're gonna draw on the wall, do it behind the couch. Even Popeye didn't eat his spinach until he absolutely had to. If your dog doesn't like someone you probably shouldn't either. Even if you've been fishing for 3 hours and...
  11. M

    How Many Kids?

    Four expectant fathers were in a hospital waiting room while their wives were in labor. The nurse arrived and announced to the first man, "Congratulations sir! You're the father of twins." "What a coincidence!" the man said with some obvious pride. "I work for the Minnesota Twins baseball...
  12. S

    How to know whether or not you're ready for kids!

    How to know whether or not you are ready for kids MESS TEST Smear peanut butter on the sofa and curtains. Place a fish stick behind the couch and leave it there all summer. TOY TEST Obtain a 55 gallon box of Legos (or you may substitute roofing tacks). Have a friend spread...
  13. S

    what are some good kids chat sites?

    i would like any kids chat sites that are fun and easy to play
  14. B

    How do you keep vunerable kids safe on Facebook? Pedo's pose as kids, then chat,...

    ...then get phone numbers, then? Now the question. How do you keep your kid safe? Our kids are naive, innocent, and believe what they see to be true. I have a very young friend who was friended by a 45 yr old Pedo, posing as a 16 yr old boy. Soon, there were phone calls (we have the log)...
  15. J

    I think you're the father of one of my kids

    A guy goes to the supermarket and notices an attractive woman waving at him. She says hello. He's rather taken aback because he can't place where he knows her Reviewom. So he says, 'Do you know me?' To which she replies, 'I think you're the father of one of my kids.'...
  16. S

    Too many Kids.

    One day, three men rushed their wives into the Emergency Room for labor. After a while, the doctor came out and said, "Mr. Smith, Mr. Smith, are you here?" "Yes doctor, im right here," he said anxiously. "Great news," explained the doctor, "Twins!" "Wow, thats great, because I work...
  17. M

    Farm Kids

    a young boy comes down for breakfast since they live on a farm the mother asked if he did his chores Not yet said the little boy his mother tells him no breakfast untill he does his chores Well, he was ticked off so when he feeds the chickens, he kicks a chicken when he feeds the cows he kick a...
  18. H

    Kids Comments About The Ocean

    1) - This is a picture of an octopus. It has eight testicles. (Kelly). 2) - Oysters' balls are called pearls. (Jerry, age 6) 3) - If you are surrounded by ocean, you are an island. If you don't...
  19. D

    Kids Are Quick

    TEACHER: Maria, go to the map and find North America . MARIA: Here it is. TEACHER: Correct. Now class, who discovered America ? CLASS: Maria. ____________________________________ TEACHER: John, why are you doing your math multiplication on the floor? JOHN: You told me...
  20. B

    Kids Are Always Full Of Surprises......

    :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: :lol:Lol:lol:
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