
MPS Capital Services Banca per le Imprese S.p.A. known as MPSCS in short, is an Italian corporate and investment bank based in Florence, Tuscany. The bank is a subsidiary of Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena (Banca MPS). The subsidiary was known as MPS Banca per l'Impresa until 2007.
On 28 March 2012 the bank was one of the banks that were selected to manage Fondo di Garanzia per le Piccole e Medie Imprese (a guarantee fund for SMEs) of the Ministry of Economic Development in a 9-year contract. (other banks were Mediocredito Italiano, Artigiancassa, Istituto Centrale delle Banche Popolari Italiane and Banca del Mezzogiorno – MedioCredito Centrale)

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