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"Sexy and I Know It" is a song by American duo LMFAO from their second and final studio album, Sorry for Party Rocking. It was released as the third single from the album on September 16, 2011. The song was written by Stefan Kendal Gordy, GoonRock, Erin Beck, George M. Robertson and Kenneth Oliver, and it was produced by Party Rock. It went to number one on the Billboard Hot 100 on January 7, 2012, and remained there for two weeks.The song became LMFAO's second number one hit on the Billboard Hot 100 in the United States (after "Party Rock Anthem"), making them the first duo to have two successive number-one singles since Outkast's "Hey Ya!" (2003) and "The Way You Move" (2004). The song also reached number one in Australia, Canada, Israel and New Zealand, and charted within the top ten in nearly every country in which it charted.

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