
  1. A

    Simple Massage Techniques. How, Where, etc. help?

    I'm just looking for a simple yet effective massage. No oils, no candles, nothin. Just a massage that I can easily do to relax my girlfriend (at least a little bit) when she's stressed out. Im looking for basic techniques, and a walkthough on how to do em correctly. Like, How to rub, where to...
  2. M

    Kesha At Simple Scissors

    After last nights disappointing escort experience, I would like to report an awsome time at Simple Scissors Massage. I live near there and saw a beautiful young lady when I passed by. She is a 19-yr old Caucasian girl called Kesha. About 5'4, 118lbs, beautiful body, breasts,etc. Had a...
  3. T

    simple hot stone massage?

    heat stones in crockpot with towel underneath and be able to set the stone in your hand, dip in oil and massage? this is how I've done it, but, only once. i am a mass. therapist, but, this is new to me.
  4. B

    can someone introduce me to nice french pop punk band..similar to simple plan type

    of song? similar songs like simple plan but in french
  5. K

    10 Simple Rules for Dating My Daughter

    I may implement these rules when my daughter starts dating 10 Simple Rules For Dating My Daughter Rule One: If you pull into my driveway and honk you'd better be delivering a package, because you're sure not picking anything up. Rule Two: You do not touch my daughter in Reviewont of me...
  6. X

    Amazing simple home remedies:

    ... an old one ... but always funny 1. Avoid cutting yourself when slicing vegetables by getting someone else to hold the vegetables while you chop. 2. Avoid arguments with the females about lifting the toilet seat by using the sink. 3. For high blood pressure sufferers × simply cut...
  7. U

    Simple Mathematics

    Dear Wife: You must realize that you are 54 years old, and I have certain needs which you are no longer able to satisfy. I am otherwise happy with you as a wife, and I sincerely hope you will not be hurt or offended to learn that by the time you receive this letter, I will be at the Grand Hotel...
  8. D

    Whats a good, simple video camera for a newbie?

    I've been working with cameras in my TV class and want to start making videos of my own. I do have a few things I care about:I would like it to be no more than $300 if possible, It needs to be able to stand on its own or with a small tripod (like for a vlog), shoot in fairly good quality, be...
  9. I

    Simple but tasty cooking for a total newbie beginner?

    yeah. my parents recently are always always arguing and both of them just refuse to cook, so i'm trying out some dishes for myself but i don't really know anything about cooking... i'd be so grateful if you left some recipes and some detailed instructions :)
  10. M

    Simple Home Remedies

    1. Avoid cutting yourself when slicing vegetables by getting someone else to hold the vegetables while you chop. 2. Avoid arguments with the females about lifting the toilet seat by using the sink. 3. For high blood pressure sufferers . simply cut yourself and bleed for a few minutes...
  11. A

    Simple Operation...

    A man was wheeling himself frantically down the hall of the hospital in his wheelchair, just before his operation. A nurse stopped him and asked, "What's the matter?" He said, "I heard the nurse say, 'It's a very simple operation, don't worry, I'm sure it will be all right.'" "She was...
  12. O

    lifes simple rules

  13. P

    Simple Joke about peace k

    :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lol: :lol: :lol: Omg Lmfao
  14. S

    Excel Newbie-Probable Simple Task?

    I simply want a cell in Excel to change the background color based on an integer value. For you excel-heads I'm sure it's boring. For example, cell value <x (background red), cell value =>x (background green.) Thanks.
  15. T

    simple hot stone massage?

    heat stones in crockpot with towel underneath and be able to set the stone in your hand, dip in oil and massage? this is how I've done it, but, only once. i am a mass. therapist, but, this is new to me.
  16. F

    Simple - are the dems in deep chit in 36 days?

    No bash, no spin, no nonsense. Yes or no?
  17. T

    simple hot stone massage?

    heat stones in crockpot with towel underneath and be able to set the stone in your hand, dip in oil and massage? this is how I've done it, but, only once. i am a mass. therapist, but, this is new to me.
  18. X

    What books are good and simple to understand for a newbie swing trader.?

    I am new to swing trading and I have been reading "Swing trading for dummies" I would like to know what are some other good and simple to understand books that I can move to next.
  19. D

    I'm a complete newbie at adobe flash and I need help for something simple?

    I'm starting off by doing some simple stuff, so I want to make a replay button for my 1 minute "animation". I already got it to stop when it's over (so it doesn't loop) then I tried to insert a replay button... So I test my flash file and for some reason the button is flickering and the...
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