Well, Mei = in Canada...
TBH, China & Cda= different tastes... tend 2 like Asian girls w pale skin, big eyes, big tits... like Caucasian girls!
Yellow fever guys like me... we like girls 2 look, well... ASIAN!
- Small eyes, or big eyes w smooth eyelid= fantastic!
- Darker or yellow skin = HOT
- Tiny waist & petite spinners = AMAZING
- Shiny black hair past the shoulders = YES!
... but Mei actually... classically beautiful, big eyes, pale skin, c cup breasts, small waist, nice ass, & super-pretty... u dont need 2 like Asians 2 like her... any attractn 2 females, shes gonna rock yer world!
...& shes Cdn, speaks English perfectly... speaks dirty talk fluently... lotsa fun in the rm, really interactv...
And thx 2 damn virus

... we may not see her 4 long time...