Known Reviewer
Hahhaha you’re still here polluting Cindy’s thread?My favourite Bustarubber flex is when he calls others peasants. Not a single self-made man would ever call someone a peasant, because they know that life at the bottom isn't overcome easily if you aim for the heights. And it is the hard work learned from humble beginnings that fuels the quest for success.
Pissant is what he is, certainly not patrician, as a modicum of class is gathered along the way to the top.
Insecure little twerp flexing Daddy's money, trust fund wanker, smelling like a Kansas City whorehouse making the girls eyes water and wince and gag.
Go see Tina Bustadiaper, she talks a good game has a great ass, and knows how to flatter a man. You're just the gullible type of vain poser who falls for that sort of patter. Report back but more words about you than her Busted, not interested in your swollen ego...
Buddy you got no life. How about you focus on making money so you afford a Moncler jacket like Cindy

I don’t want Cindy’s thread to turn into a shill festival with all of your handles. So I’ll leave this thread alone.
You’re so quick to log in and log out all the time eh