Saw Suki - looks are exactly as the photo and she has a nice face and a high pitched voice. Nice C rack that looked tempting the moment she stepped in the room lol. Thankfully she didn't wait too long before the top came off and the BS was interspersed with the massage.
Her massage style is borderline sensual and medium, but in general most girls here have a medium strength massage. It was very relaxing

. Her tease wasn't very sensual, she doesn't use her fingernails in that tantalizing way like Michelle does, she mostly just brushes around the butt crack and balls with her fingers. Finish was decent and she allowed exploring all over.
Her head massage at the end was AMAZING - hands down the best part of the session for me. She definitely knows her way around the scalp and uses her fingers really well. Overall I'd say it was a good session and others might click more than I did and have a good time with her, would recommend.