Cindy @ Shangri La Wellness
Merry Christmas MP hobbyists.
First things first, yes Krayjee's description of Cindy is quite spot on. She has a VERY pretty face, has a tanned skin tone because she's Chinese mixed with Indo and her English was pretty good too. Her body was quite slim all around with a nice bum for an Asian girl, totally MCOT. Long straight hair, simple style like most young girls. More importantly she must have one of the most beautiful eyes I've seen in the industry, it's hard not to admire them.
Lately I've been doing the whole massage/HE backwards, so I guess I like HB's (happy-beginnings) lol She obliged to my request no problem and began a soft touch running her fingers/hands all over my body as I laid on my back. She asked if I wanted a BS for $80, I usually never go for it because I never felt like its my thing but since she was hot I said okay, so off came the clothes... wow! shes has a stunning body, nice small waist, skinny arms, tight legs and smooth Ovaltine skin. Honestly I dont know what it is, I guess I'm just not a BS guy, but if you guys are then maybe you'll love it so after a few minutes of that I asked for a HJ instead. For her HJ, she had good medium pressure which I liked and she definitely knows several tricks to try on you, many which I told her to remember when I was ready to shoot. I love good slow build-ups and she took instructions very well.
The happy beginning itself lasted a good 30mins before she started to speed up to a semi-sensual jackhammer. She laid down beside me and started licking my nipples, that did it right there...and ....

......then warm towel.
I don't remember much of the massage as I didn't ask for anything specific so she did a soft pressure massage to end the session.
Cindy was a sweet girl, she seemed like she enjoyed her work and was happy to be there. She's quite talkative as well but details of that is confidential

I think she works Mondays & Saturdays only.
Best part was she looked like one of my friend's girlfriend
