I found it was ok. Some parts were light. She focused a lot on the area to the left and right of the spine, and applied extra pressure on the lower back and glutes, as well as abductor muscles. Generally speaking, my legs are fairly muscular and women have difficulty generating enough pressure to do much, and this included Bella. Vanna and Michelle did manage to get somewhat deeper on my calves but not so much on my hamstrings or glutes or quads. I think they get tired and gave up on those muscles.
Note that even at legit massage places the women don’t really get deep enough on any of my leg muscles. I find that most places won’t do much on the obliques or delts or anything… Bella worked on the posterior delts but ignored the medial and anterior ones, which are arguably stronger than my posterior delt. I guess she was getting tired? The times I saw Vanna and Michelle, neither worked the delts and they focused a lot on the traps and rhomboids, similar to Bella.
So I guess the massage was ok. It was mostly covered with some slight oiling. If I could have communicated better I would have cut the massage short. Also no teasing really during the massage.
Service was ok. A bit mechanical but I assume it’s because I didn’t establish any sort of rapport with her. The English proficiency is like basic small talk and I think it limited me. If you can speak canto or whatever language she speaks you will likely establish a better rapport. The BS would have been better with more oil. She wanted to do most of it on my back and briefly on my front. I would guess 2:1 time ratio..? I also never had a sf2 before so I didn’t quite know what to do. Note that she doesn’t kiss either. So the sf2 was mostly just washing the oil off of me and then she cleaned herself.
ETA: I do mention the specific muscle groups because I have flexibility issues and could really loosen them up. I have a fairly strong core, even if you can’t see them under the layers of cellulite. Eg 5+ min plank (properly!), and that core twist machine at the gym? Load up to the max and I can twist all day long. So when someone comes along and can actually work these other muscles, I am impressed. This was not one of those occasions, although Bella did recognize the well developed back muscles, as opposed to Vanna, Michelle, and others who just assume my muscles are tight instead of just well developed. There’s potential in Bella for sure for a better massage, she just needs to be more systematic and have more endurance. Same could be true for most of the women. What she could improve on specifically is uncovered and more oil so that the massage is actually more effective. I don’t find being under the sheet can give a massage that actually does anything effective.