I think I wrote down the two stories happened:
1): my ex boyfriend Roy brought his coworker came to me for a massage, he got car accident,had lower back pain, while I was massaging him, his left shoulder area was very very sensitive and pain, I told him:" Frits, you have heart problem, you come back next week, let me massage you one more time, you will be ok"
He said :" ok"
When finished massage I put warm red been bag on his back , he and Roy were watching TV, we were talking about has heart problem again.
But 5 days later, he didn't come back yet, he got heart attack! He was painting and fell down... when Roy told me about this I feel that it is my massage to make Frits heart attack, Roy said: " no, how your massage make him heart attack?"
I said;" I said he has heard problem and you heard that, I feel it is my fault "
Roy said:" don't think of that way , not your fault "
Fortunately he woke up finally, he is ok now
2): same this film guy brought his friend to me for a massage before the spa shut down, I found this customer the same area, left shoulder had very sensitive pain, I told him that he had big problem, come back to get one more time massage as soon as possible, he didn't come back, maybe he thought that I just want to make more money from him, then I text and call this film friend few times " let your friend come back, he has big problems" he said:" yes I told him, but he is very stubborn, he doesn't listen, I can not do anything about that"
I kept on texting texting, but no come back and I forgot about this later.
Few weeks before, this film guy brought the same guy to me, I saw him and I said:" oh I remember you, you came spa and I told you that you have big problems, you look ok? everything is ok? I think I just worry about you too much, you look everything ok"
He said:" no I am not ok, I want to come to see you, but I couldn't walk

for half a year, especially my left leg, I even couldn't go to washroom."
I said " oh, do you remember that I told you that you have big problem after I massaged you? and you ask your friend how many times I call and text him to let you come back, come back, as soon as possible, but you don't listen"
He said :" yes I know, but I couldn't move"
I said :"if you could come back right away , I could massage you one or two more times, this would not happen ,this could avoid,you lay down on the bed half year!"
While I was massaging him and I told him: summer time don't use air-conditioning too much, avoid cold"
He said " I don't use air-conditioning too much actually "
I said: " you like eating cold foods? drinking cold everage, drinking cold milk?"
He said:" yes I drink cold from fridge "
And he smoke two boxes cigarettes daily and doesn't do excise,sitting in front of computer all the time...
Learn people's mistakes, avoid mistakes happen