An update:
The escort had the
notice of trial hand delivered.
It was learned that the defendant had not updated her address as per the rules of the court and as mentioned previously, all the escort's representatives failed to respond to the plaintiff communications. This made it possible to personally deliver court papers to the escort. The escort's play would be to ignore the notice of trial and to have the matter rescheduled or re-opened if judgement is granted. This is a tactic that is used to delay court proceeding that many believe will lead them to success, unfortunately for the escort, she has only incurred costs thus far and the matter is proceeding. So the escort was a little surprised when she was handed the paper and once she opened it and read what it was, dropped it on the floor. The escort said her lawyer would attend court, so she apparently has representation.
There is no reason that this matter shouldn't be resolved with civility, it is really up to the escort who chose to threaten the plaintiff and made the situation what it is today.
So far we have the following timeline and delays:
Failed to file a defense in the required 20 days
noted in default
bank garnishment
motion to set aside default judgement ( although consent was offered, defendant decided to go to court and pay $150 which is more than expected )
given the option of filing a defense or continue with default, defendant files defense.
1st settlement conference, escort failed to attend although escort did have representation, plaintiff asked for costs. COST PAID FROM LAWYER'S GENERAL ACCOUNT, NOT THE TRUST ACCOUNT, which is a little unusual but not improper.
2nd settlement conference, escort and her representative failed to attend. Escort takes a trip to the Bahamas instead. costs of $400 ( max amount ) to continue.
COST PAID FROM LAWYER'S GENERAL ACCOUNT, NOT THE TRUST ACCOUNT, which is a little unusual but not improper.
3rd settlement conference, escort appeared, no settlement offered or reached
all known representatives for the defendant fail to respond to plaintiff
trail date set
Plaintiff receives cheque from garnished bank account ( partial payment of debt )
notice of trial hand delivered
I hope that all that read this take note, this is the easy part. This has been 16 months since papers were served and possibly another 6 months until the courts finalize this phase. After it will enter the collection phase.
Three years is a long time to have any issue hanging. To the whore, I guess it is just a game though and this whole ordeal speaks volumes about her character.
With a signed note, there is very little the escort can do to explain why she has reneged on an agreement. Collecting the debt will be considerably more difficult. So for you guys that think that after 5 years of knowing someone who is in this business would be repaid when you did them a favour by helping them out.....
Think again.