NP! hope you enjoyed it! thats the most efficient way i can think of to putting it down without typing out walls of text.
PS. i just came back from seeing katie from perla. i'll probably wait till a few more before doing more reviews... hopefully the trolls would die down by then
Warning Fellow MPers! Fake advertisement/ False information /Shillings! = Sinning Saint
This poster's account was recently made by curvcrazee/krayjee to lure you into his trap, notice that this acccount is new
and has only few posts? his informations are inaccurate and his only motive is to steal your money. Do not listen to every crap he'd ask cause he'll answer it himself
by loggin in with his multiple accounts to bait you. His targets are observers like you. So be warned, specially if you're
a newbie..avoid this guy if you wanna save your money and time.
His main accounts are curvcrazee/krayjee/nostrings..Sometimes he log in as an unregistered to defend his honor.
Be smarter than this moron, there are more ways to explore and enjoy visiting an mp. Don't be a victim of bait and switch.
That's how he operates.