Spa Drifter
Yeah, like I said in my cons, she can get distracted so I understand the "going through the motions" comment.
I'm close enough to her that my sessions are pretty good but the top MPAs are definitely better at giving you the impression that they're really into you lol...
I'm close enough to her that my sessions are pretty good but the top MPAs are definitely better at giving you the impression that they're really into you lol...
I saw her about 2 months ago....the session was ok but nothing special.....typically I get high milage from attendents at Ellegance and some at JR.....not fs but more than the average customer.....Coco just went through the motions....wouldn't repeat based on the one time but I will give her another try, maybe an off day for her....
Yeah same here, though not exactly recent but i think 4 months isn't too long ago. The Coco hype train was already rolling. Pretty ight session, very pretty of course and got the job done...but left me wanting more.