My FR on this same SPA!
Cute looking girl greeted me at the reception.. guided me to a small room.. no queen size bed though.. there came the therapist.. She was a punjabi with good assets.. She asked me to change and told me that the dispo stocks are over.. so said "Sir, If U don't mind, I will just do the massage without it! I am really sorry as the stocks are not there, you must be thinking Bad of this SPA". What more could I ask.. So the massage started.. Massage was ok.. Finally she asked for extras.. I asked for B2B to which she said its not done here.. I understood that since it was my first time there may be she was not feeling safe.. Then She offered HJ at 3000

I laughed it away and told her standard rates.. She came down to 2000 and finally we agreed at 1500.. I would not have agreed above 1000 but then she was looking and sounding good.. Had good fun with her lemons and then jerked off..
Gave her 1500 and to my surprise she denied and asked for 2000. I did not want to make a scene out there so gave her 2K. But next time will definitely avoid her!
Total Damages: 1.3 at counter + 2K inside
WIR: Yes - looking fwd to that queen size bed with some other therapist