Hawaii health spa
3110 kingston rd.Scarborough m1m 1p2
Telephon: 4162618088
Host: Wendy & linda
About tooth
I had a coworker she had toothache

while I work in other spa years ago , water story and banana story happened there, she took antibiotics for months, I told her that I had knowledge that massage could help her toothache, but I didn't have the experience from a real case, I asked her if she want to be my little white mouse , she said ok, when I massaged her head area points which control her toothache, she felt too much pain and didn't let me do it anymore; she went dentist and dentist pulled out the tooth, she said the tooth is perfect white and no cave no broke, she asked the dentist, it is a good tooth why pulled it out, dentist said because the tooth was loose and my coworker admitted that tooth loose,
I told her that pulled out the tooth was a completly wrong decision , it was with her for 30 or 40 years, a perfect tooth nothing wrong with it and pulled it out, my coworker felt regret too...
As I work more, I have more experience, actually her toothache could be fixed by massaging the points absolutely! it was gone was gone, can not come back any more.
I will write another tooth story when I have time.
Learn people's mistakes, avoid mistakes happen to you, when we need make decision make the right decision.
My Korean girlfriend WENDY will work here Tuesday ( tomorrow), welcome to visit us .
Thank you very much!