I have to agree with the point of we the customers have the stroke here and especially now during the covid times ., I have said it before that guys are just plain stupid to be paying these higher rates and many guys have jumped on me with things like “if you don’t have the money money or can’t afford her rates “ lol
For me it’s not about can you afford it the thing is why pay that much ? So if you take 45mins it’s generally $180 right ,, so the girl is already getting $120 so if you tip $50 she is picking up $170 for 45mins and it is the rare attendant that will edge you the entire session am I right ? ) those are the girls that are always prebooked ! So only 5 customers in a day that’s $850 cash let’s round up for shits and giggles call it a grand ? No education
No studies needed
No work history needed nothing accept look good suck and fuck well and if you only do 3 shifts a week that whore is pulling in $3000 weekly
So where is the problem for these ladies ? as far as I’m concerned these women across the board should have a property a nice ride and some fancy bags and clothes and shit and stacks of cash tucked away
I have zero sympathy for them when I read on twitter how hard they are being it ffs
Shut the fuck up and suck cock that is what you signed up for