Dealer, you've a very rare condition known as D5N1 (Dealer virus), also known as Pinocchio skin. Usual cause: massage oil seeped into openings such as ear or nose. Some speculate cause: triggered by MPA rejections or slap-in-face. Definitive cause: probably never know due to covered up by the GWB administration.
Only cure: cut off all forms of MPA & human contact, especially from Such as recent 1 week suspension handed out to certain user with similiar handle of Dealer.
(Don't bother searching, his policy-violating posts has been scrubbed from
Only cure: cut off all forms of MPA & human contact, especially from Such as recent 1 week suspension handed out to certain user with similiar handle of Dealer.
(Don't bother searching, his policy-violating posts has been scrubbed from