Victoria & Irene = in today… i hope guys post here about their xxxperiences… ofc try 2b discreet f u did REALLY well

… but Im guessing thats unlikely 4 now…
… 2 very popular but legit only girls… some gals in the past stayed legit a long time then suddenly… u no…
edge of my seat curious what costume, if any, they wear today…

… if u wanna forego the “
will she or won’t she” mystery of the legit gals … or need a cure 4

blue balls after… just grab Lola (spinner milf

DFK luvers) or Rica (big tit

RF IF luvers)… they gonna supply the cure & send u home happy!
Soli’s a solid option if u just wanna HE & mebbe a lil

DFK… she doesnt offer any other xxxtras but she’s really gd w the stick… I luv how her hand kept lookng 4 jr

even after the 1st shot… she had him ready 4 SOG #2 very fast… ofc the kissing helped…
Lucy’s avail by apptmnt only

… best time, a superstar, but LTD availability… esp w so many newbies, she needs 2 help them allot…