… unlike SL thread, I’m no jimmy the cricket

… I don’t ban ppl 4 being honest.
I even put up w that

POS Ambler w/o banning him & he plainly asked 4 it… so yer in no danger.
IMHO Jennifer & Natalie met that standard… by all accounts, Shallon does 2.. she already had some

msg training when she came, & now u cant even get her as a walkin… very pretty girl & tons of personality, zero xxxtras… guys who see her no there’s no hope of that, she’s very professional
The other legit gals? Victoria & Wind both had some pre-Bellagio
training, & got more here, so they’re gd… but not like Shallon … they’re like May Blossom, Kelly Spa, relaxing msg but not RMT … if they’re not pretttbyoung things, mebbe guys don’t repeat.. but they are & they do. 
Part of spa xxxperience, when no xxxtras involved = the atmosphere, charm, telaxation
… that’s why guys keep repeating w/o the HE… & more fun girls Soli, Lola, & Rica also gimme that charm, relaxation, flirting, & the fun stuff just flows naturally.