Known Reviewer w Bad Grammar
Newbie girls mebbe not the best targetsVisting bellagio for 3 years now and I miss the old days where you could get a lot of official and unofficial mileage (within limits of corse). Now we have these girls like Irene, Wind, Victoria etc who are pretty but comes with so much restriction. Even though two of them does HE, they have no skills and there are no effort to make that sensual. Their massage is very bad too. Yes the prospect of being in a room with young beautiful girls maybe enticing for many, but to me, thats not enough. I hope Lucy does something about that. Either teach them if they are willing to (which should not be a prpblem since they doing HE anyway) or bring some new faces. It’s been a month since we saw any new girl. I will stop visiting until situation changes.

It’s a delicate art

If u just wanna girl who already nose how 2 fake sensuality & moaning when giving a

Don’t xxxpect Bellagio’s ever gonna teach them that stuff… it’s just

The fun

… whether or not these gals have a + after their names or not… they been here this long… they been asked many times guaranteed… no harm in asking … could b fun!